Friday, March 8, 2013

We Got Trouble With a Capital T

So, I just got home from watching this year's Scecina play, The Music Man.  Andy stayed at home with the kiddos and I went by myself to the show.  I would definitely recommend it...Bo Leszcynski is a stupendous  Harold Hill and Kayla Wagoner's voice shines!  If you have a few bucks in your pocket, go see it this Sunday at 3pm.

I really enjoyed myself, so why when I came in the door, did my husband say "what's wrong?"  Because it made me really sad too.  I have directed/choreographed/costumed/set designed the Scecina musical for the past nine years.  I was in the show from 1995-1999, then away for the my four years at IU, and then directed from 2004-2012.  This was the first show that I had to watch from a seat in the audience and not standing tapping my toes and doing the dance moves in the back of the gym with Margaret Zeh.

I love those kids!  I can say that with total honesty, and I have felt that way since the beginning.  I always felt like I got way more out of the experience than any of the actors did.  And I am so thankful that they kept letting me come back and do it again year after year.

When we decided that last year was the end, it made total sense.  Margaret is engaged, I have two children and a husband, our lives are not as uncomplicated as they were in the beginning.  Spending hours on end for three months just isn't an option like it used to be.  But sitting there tonight was hard.

I miss the creativity, the challenge, the dancing, the laughing, the high school gossip. :)  And I have to admit that it definitely was a hit to my ego that the show is so good without me.  You know when you leave a job and you are they going to carry on without me?  Well they did, and it was good.

Maybe someday I will get to do it again.  But until then...I guess the show must go on...

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